
Showing posts from June, 2015

Our Christlike Response: Love

(Image courtesy of The recent Supreme Court decision reflecting our culture's downward spiral into evil has generated many statements and comments.  But what is the Christian to do?  How are we to respond to this intolerant view of the truth?  In all the excitement, a Christian - a born-again believer, called to make disciples in a world no matter how dark - should have the same response this Egyptian Christian has toward

What's the big deal with allowing homosexual marriages?

(Image courtesy of Since the recent dictatorial ruling of the Supreme Court to enforce same-sex marriages in every state in the United States, many questions jumped to the forefront of my mind - and I'm sure yours, too.  Some of the questions puzzled me for a good bit as I sought out the reasons behind my Biblical answer; however, in the end, I found

How To Commit Spiritual Suicide

(Image courtesy of About a month ago I was taught by God that being a leader in my marriage meant to take the initiative.  But take the initiative to do what?  This question has since been answered as God has shown me through His Word and His Spirit in other believers. To be a leader, I need to take the initiative to