Mistake Or Sin?
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(Image courtesy of https://www.appellawyer.com.) |
In the past couple of weeks, I have accidentally dented the bumper on the semi-trailer and backed into a farmer's milk house. I feel so bad for my accidents. It's a learning experience for me, certainly. Thankfully, farmers can be some of the most forgiving people.
Our sins are not like our mistakes or accidents. James 1:14 says,
"But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own
desire." I did not plan to back into things when I was driving, nor does
anyone plan to have an accident or make a mistake. These things happen
because we are clumsy or distracted or for some other reason. But sin is
different. Sin happens when something inside of me is enticed - or
attracted to something wrong because of my own fleshly desires. When we
act on those inner, wrong desires, it is sin we have committed. Put
another way: sin is always pre-meditated; mistakes are not.
This is important in our current cultural moment. Many people, even so-called pastors, equate sins with mistakes. While mistakes may warrant an apology, sin demands repentance - a remorseful apology AND a turning away from sin to the mercy of Christ.
When David sinned against God with Bathsheba, he was first desirous of a woman who was not his. Then, he acted on that wrong desire and committed adultery. When God confronts him through the prophet Nathan, David has the right response: "Have mercy on me, O God! Against you, you only, have I sinned!" (Psalm 51).
O God, please renew our desires for things that are good and right. Please give us great strength to withstand all kinds of temptations. Keep us on the straight path; your Word is our lamp. Thank you for the mercy we have in our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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