Christianity and Patriotism

(Image courtesy of God's Word is not silent on the Christian's position under civil authorities. We are to obey the civil authorities because they are instituted by God, and we are to honor them (Romans 13). Societies work best when God's design for law and order are followed. Showing honor and obedience is one thing, but what about showing love and loyalty for one's country? Over the last few months, I have been considering the rightness of the Christian's patriotism in the United States. What I mean is this: is it wrong for an American Christian to be patriotic? If so, why? If not, can this patriotism go too far? Lastly (but certainly not least), what does Scripture say about loyalty to one's nation? These are the questions I have been considering lately. First, a bit of backstory. I wasn't too concerned with governments growing up, as is usually the case among children. I was focused on my family, friends, and activities. But whe...