(Image courtesy of http://blog.americorpsalums.org.) Tax season is in full swing, which means its time for cutting corners, white lies and twisting the truth. Why is that? Why do we not trust God to provide what we need, within the parameters of doing what is right? Stop and think about your life. How often do you drive five miles (or more) over the speed limit? Just because you probably will not experience consequences means you don’t have to obey the law? Dang. Or how often do you skew your insurance policy so you don’t have to pay as much? How truthful were you when you filed your taxes? Is a couple hundred extra on your return really worth being a bit shady? How many times a day do you alter a story to save or improve your image? In school, how often did/do you copy answers or use someone else’s work? At your job, do you actually do everything that is expected of you, or do you do enough to get by and stretch the truth ab...