The Necessity of Confrontation

This is the third post in a series of posts entitled: "Truth's Heroes." Instead of standing up for what's right, we complain about what's wrong.... Today at school I saw a student being bullied by another couple of students. Here's what happened: During lunch, a girl was walking back from the snack machine with a bag of candy. Tearing open the bag, the candy spilled on the ground. Two other students reacted and grabbed some of it for themselves. Having seen what happened, I began walking toward the incident in the back of the lunch room. The girl had finished picking up her candy and was asking for the other pieces back from the two bullies. Instead of handing the candy over to the girl, they threw one piece on the ground and laughed. The girl, shaking her head, turned and walked back to her seat. In the meantime, one of the bullies took out a piece of the candy and began eating it. This is about the time when I entered ...